Just one poem each month, often with a touch of nature.

“I am a writer, musician, and photographer based in Denver, Colorado. I write narrative nonfiction, poetry, interview collections, travel articles, radio shorts, and longform journalism. My content, like my life, is drawn toward nature and cities, toward traveling and staying put, toward companionship and being alone.”

Following this blog by Ellen Roberts Young after reading Made and Remade.

“… freethought and metaphor represent… two ways I believe the creative mind should address the world: always looking beyond dogma and ever on the lookout for unexpected parallels.”

The cat is racing around the larrea while we watch the sun slowly wind downtown.

Another lizard.

And then I see a shoelace of sunlight wind its way up the larrea.


We approach the shrub carefully. The cat is on tiptoe. We quickly see what he does not.

A young, 2-foot long, patch-nose is quietly looking at us with doe eyes and smelling our goodwill with forked tongue.

I welcome the patch-nose, tell it that we remember its parent(s) fondly, apologize (again) for the neighbor’s show and tell with the tractor, and hope all are well.

Whereas I once kept my eye to the ground for evidence of our digging friends, now I’ll be looking high and low.

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three figs at a time.

i buy a twenty-eight pound

box, clutch the stem as

i rend, pop the seeds with my

teeth, and pause. so gone on figs.




triad something new

kombucha divided in

tres partes. matching

glass jars perched above it all

elevation but no taste.

when i start the sun.

prairie home companion comes.

after four rounds with

the vitamix, darkness has

wiled the wind to do good work.


the proof is the seed

that catches the light as the

knife slices true. smooth

is the skin that contains worlds

we consume knowing neither.

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loaf. how solidly

you sit, tempting me to leave

you be. bakehouse french

country, forgive me: isn’t

it best to hold from within?




a certain line in

a book, watching the cat track

a jet unzipping

the sky, a smoothie before

blending: savor every all.


light ripples acrossIMG_8714

the ceiling as the cactus

wrens gruffly greet the

new day. later we eat chuck’s

duck eggs and bakehouse bagels.


